Monday, November 25, 2024

Fuji in my face


November 25 2024

Shinzuka, Japan

And so it begins, independent travel. Wish me luck it may get bumpy.

Last eve was about as bad of food service as possible. $pecialty restaurant, and the service was better at the buffet, and I never ate at the buffet. Water glugged in glass, Me - Thank you - him ‘sure’, and it went downhill after that. I ate as much main as I was going to and put my knife and fork in the correct position on the plate, and waited. I waited probably 15 minutes (2 chapters) and never a visit from the server. Finally I just got up and attempted to walk out. Since the meal was part of the package I tried to walk out. Oh! No! They had to print and present a zero balance bill and have it signed before I could leave. On top of that, the meal was pedestrian.

Back at the room, I still wasn’t certain I was leaving today. So left the packing until later. Laid on the bed and watched the darkness and around 10 rolled over and called it a day.

Siri what time is it?”. 6:37am. Time to get up. I put on enough previous days clothes to go get coffee. I found the group military vet picture on my door knob. Picked it up and went to coffee on 13. Saw Richard, and did a quick hand off of the picture and grabbed a cuppa’ Joe and turned around and got hit in the face with Mt Fuji in all his splendor. And it is spectacular. White topped volcano, perfect in shape and proportions. I can see why it is the nation’s symbol. The sun was just coming up, so golden hour photos, and more coffee. Richard melted away while my back was turned.

Back to the room for morning things and then down to Customer service to explain it was hitting the road and to make sure the ship Gods didn’t throw lightning bolts at me. There was a minor discrepancy on the bill. The had charged me for the photo, and I understood it was comped from the Vet package. That took forever in ‘hurry’ time. Maybe 10 minutes. Finally that was sorted out and all was good with the world. Customer service checked with all the major and minor Gods, and ‘Gods said it was good’

At breakfast said “Ta-ta for now” to most of the staff and back to the room to stuff stuff into stuff. Then down to the gangway and HALT ! There was a security on this ship seems to forget that the passengers are their employers and not their prisoners. What a rude bunch. Anyway another 10 minutes as radio chatter and phone calls and burning of incense before I was allowed to touch asphalt again.

Customs - again - this time the full meal deal. I mean full all three of my bags were opened and examined. I don’t remember this much scrutiny the last cruise into Japan. It went smoothy for a Customs inspection and soon I was breathing fresh Japanese air again.

Walking to the taxi stand I met David who works in the casino. What serendipity! He was the very first person to say Hello and recognize me by name and a hug. He was the final crew member to see me off the ship. Sometimes I have to question coincidence.

Got a taxi to the fast train station. Seems I should have done some research on that one. A near hour later and the meter spinning like a slot machine we arrived at the station. Well at least I got there.

I bought a ticket on the best class (Green car) on the fast train, to Kyoto. Booked a hotel that I have no idea where in the city sprawl it could be, but it got me a ride and a room so it’s a start. I have some plans for outings, but I am so wishy washy about things, that you will read about them post outing, not pre-outing.

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