Tuesday December 2nd
– Calcutta
After a light dinner
of soup and carbs I went back to the room and tried to figure out the
television and cable box combination. Each required a different input
from the same remote and nothing was marked in a manner that was easy
for me to understand. Finally the arcane magic of the remote did get
a picture and I found something in English to kill and hour.
The morning included
breakfast in the hotel. It was pretty Indian and not a lot western.
Everything here is spicy. I kind of like spicy, but not to the
exclusion of all else. The fried potatoes were spicy, the tomato
basil soup was spicy, I wouldn't be surprised if the ice cream here
is spicy. There is a Jewish bakery in the New Market, hopefully not
near the butchers, I might do that for breakfast tomorrow instead.
I decided that today
would be my big tourist day. Hire a cab and drive around looking at
things until I was sick of seeing things. Then the choices began. Air
conditioned or not? I'm tough, non a/c, please. The bellman hailed a
taxi on the street and started talking, then being emphatic, then
yelling then – well I'm glad there wasn't a gun nearby. Te fare was
expected to be one price and he was asking for double. For the double
price I could have an a/c taxi that the hotel sub contracts through.
Thinking about it now, I hope they didn't pull some schmoe off the
street. Promise him a dollar or two to get yelled at and act
However it was, he
walked and the A/C cab was called. I think they had to build the cab
for as long as it seemed to get here. The cab was a newer Toyota
Diesel SUV. It soon became apparent that A/C was the way to go. The
traffic was horrendous and the stopped traffic sometimes left you
sitting for 10 or more minutes before it moved just far enough for
the light or the cop to change the direction of flow. The car came
equipped with something I haven’t seen in probably 50 years. On the
steering wheel was a “Suicide knob”, sometimes known as a
“Necking knob”. A round ball that was attached to the rim of the
wheel that the driver could one handed steer the car. I think the
reason that it was called a “Necking knob” was because the driver
would have one hand to steer and one arm to go around his best girl.
The “Suicide” part might have had more to do with youth and no
seat belts than the knob itself. They were kind of looked down upon
by my parents. Only the rowdy boys used them and the rowdiest of
them, their ball was an 8 Ball. Today's driver did not fit that mold.
I haven't seen the
sun since I have been in Kolkata. There has been a serious fog over
the entire city for the whole time. I'm not sure if it is weather
related, being near the swamps or caused my pollution. Maybe it is
left over from the British and their foggy London town.
In my minds eye,
when I pictured Calcutta. I pictured some run down shacks with sewage
running in the streets next to a river. That picture must be from
another incarnation of mine. It is a huge city. Why, they even have a
McDonald’s !
With the site
streets not being straight, the mish mash of types of vehicles on
these streets. The 12 mile drive to the first temple of the day took
about an hour. The temple complex Belur Math got great reviews on
TripAdvisor so it was a must see. Maybe I would have liked it better
if the NO PHOTOS signs didn't keep getting in the was of my best
shots. The temples were a series of temples. One main one and several
smaller ones. No shoes of course. The main one was a long marble
hallway with people sitting or kneeling on the floor, before a glass
enclosed plaster of Paris statue surrounded by silver plates and
flowers. Obviously it had more meaning than that, but that is what I
saw. It was just to new and sterile for my taste.
The other temples
were more of the same, except these were moostly dedicated to
specific dead men and women an seemed to be either on the place or
near the place where they were cremated. More cncrete, marble,
plaster of Paris and silverware.
Abou not those 4
cups of coffee were making hings uncomfortable so I went in search of
the loo. I found it. Nice and clean, but not Western. The squat
toilets were bad enough when I was thinner, now it's a chore to get
back up without touching anything. I might of pulled a muscle. Here
was a price for a clean toilet though. 1 Rupee for urine and 2 for
toilet. So even here it is Number 1 (Rupee) and Number 2 (Rupee).
The driver said to
call him when I was ready to go, alas Sprint's i Phone doesn't work
in India. So I waited and paced outside for ½ an hour until the
driver came back.
The next temple was
what I was expecting. Many coats of paint, some peeling, throngs of
the unwashed devoted with just a hint of grime covering it all.
Dakshineswar temple is great, and it even as a parking lot ! Of
course more statues and flowers and silver, but here there was a long
line of the faithful waiting to climb the steps an give their
offering to that god (I think Kali). After they paid their respects
they took one another's photo in front of the shrine, walked over to
a man sitting on a chair ho put some red paste on their forehead and
they dropped a couple Rupees on his table. Whether this man was a
priest of what, is lost on me. He was dressed like another man you
would meet on the street.
The next scheduled
stop was closed from noon to four and so we alternated to the Kali
ghat temple at the extreme southern tip of the city. We were at the
extreme northern end, of course.
By the time we got
to Kali ghat temple, from which it is assumed the city got it's name
(Kali =
Calcutta) that a/c was feeling really good. The temple
complex was crowded and smaller that the previous two, but had a much
more alive vibe to it. One room had an old beat up tree that women
were praying to for a child. If they did have a successful pregnancy
they brought the child back on it's 21st day and show the
tree what they did together.
Even with the A/C
the traffic and crush of people were getting to me. A stop was
planned for Victoria, a museum or something, but I opted for just
photo of the exterior before saying “Uncle” (not Bob's) and
begging to return to the sanctuary of my hotel for some quiet and
Next stop was the
New Market to find a tailor to repair two blouses Well that turned
into a sales trip to rival the best rug merchant in Marrakesh.
Eventually I was able to get away with a $10 repair on my $8 shirts
and two new shirts at about $12 each. He started out at a hundred. I
thought my $12 a shirt offer would be below is price and I would
skate away home free without losing face. Guess I should have gone
Whew ! So that is
tourism in Calcutta from my point of view. Dinner on the rooftop of
Teriyaki Chicken (spicy of course) and rice, with a well deserved
Fosters beer.
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