December 11 2015 -
amazing what 11 hours of sleep, a long hot shower and a Club sandwich
can do for my spirits. I feel a bit like a very old song, about a
letter home from camp – Hello Mudda. Hello Fadda – where the
child writes how awful it is at camp for the whole song and the last
line the sun comes out and everything is perfect. With the last line
being “Mudda, Fadder, please disregard this letter”. So kindly
disregard the previous letter. I know I should expect a low part of
the trip, but still am surprised when it hits me.
a nice breakfast that did not include any curry or cayenne I spoke
with the concierge who tracked down a taxi for me and I was again on
the tourist trail. A nice little white Fiat running with that little
emergency spare as it's right rear tire. A guy who spoke hardly a
word of English but
knew the town. With instructions from the concierge we sped off at
tortoise speed. This guy was absolutely sane in his driving. I felt
like he just got his learners permit. Every turn was signaled,
pedestrians were allowed to pass in front. Lanes were respected and
not once in 3 hours did he honk the horn. I'm mentally going – Pass
this truck! The oncoming drivers will pull over a bit – Go faster
around this curve. Honk your horn so they know you are coming –
That idiot on the left is in our way, lay on the horn ! --- I may
have been paying attention to how to drive in India for my own good.
drove through the railway center on the way to the first temple. I
never saw a train, but all the houses with wire fences were using
lengths of railroad track as stanchions. Talk about over kill.
bike trishaws each
and everyone has one of the three wheels that wobbles. Only one and
it generally is the one that is closest to traffic. They must be the
Rodney Dangerfield of vehicles and get no respect.
was an advertisement on a pole for “Homely stay for girls”.
first temple was at the tippy top of the tallest hill in town and it
was pretty a pretty tall hill. There were a million steps leaving
from the valley floor up to the temple. Please, oh, please let there
be a road up there. Because if there is not, I'm not going. Not
without supplemental oxygen and a defibrillator. There was a road all
the way to the top, Thank, Krishna.
old hippie guru, only the real thing, gave me holy hell for stepping
in the wrong spot with shoes on. I thought the demarcation for shoes
vs. no shoes was marble. Guess it's concrete sometimes too. Fires and
smoke, lots of fires and smoke. Some like big campfires and some
small clay shot glass
sized candles. Then there was the big fire,
near what looked like a corpse sized covered object, with fresh
flowers on top. That made me enough uncomfortable that I didn't need
to photograph it.
were were all the cute baby goats, staked out here and there. I saw
one guy leading a goat and the goat had all four wheels locked up and
was skidding along the marble behind the man. I
don't know what was going to happen to the goat, but I think the goat
baskets of pigeons were for sale. I mimed are these for eating of
flying. The guy looked at me like I was a Martian. A passerby mimed
the birds flying. Okay, buy the bird, give it all your troubles and
set it free to fly your troubles away. Later I watched a man do
exactly that. He grasped the bird in both hands tossed it high in the
air, the bird flapped it's wings and flew directly back to the basket
it was pulled from. I don't want to say scam, but something wasn't
right with that picture.
seemed very, very happy. Lots of smiles and quite a number of people
wanting to talk. In order to get to one particular, obviously
popular, temple you had to enter what I can only describe as cattle
chutes. 100 feet long, wide enough for two people shoulder to
shoulder and completely enclosed similar to a walkway inmates might
be escorted through on the way to court. Once you were in, and the
door behind was actually padlocked you were stuck there cheek to jowl
until the front was unlocked and you were escorted to the next
waiting area. There were six of these as near as I could tell. For 50
Rupees (75 cents +/-) you could bypass the first four. In one of them
as I passed the people smiles and really wave, they were so happy, it
was contagious.
I said in the beginning, I didn't understand a bit of what I was
I had a good time seeing it.
stop was supposed to be another temple. This one involved a ferry,
and from previous posts you know that ferry means here and then a
small climb to the top of an island. Rough mental calculation said
this was a 2 to 3 hour temple for something I wouldn't understand. I
passed on this bit of fun.
the top of another hill to the temple of the nine planets. This one
didn't look like much from the outside. Newer in concrete, but not
kept up very well. Of course, in this one I got latched on to by a
hanger arounder who would be my guide. The temple was like a very
large round bee hive, in the center were little fires around the
room, each representing a different planet, with the earth and moon
in the center of the room. Pluto was not represented though. I
don't know who the 9th
planet was. Maybe it was the L. Ron
Hubbard planet that the
Scientology believe in. It was so dark I the room that even with a
large door to the outside, and standing in the darkness for five
minutes, my eyes never did adapt enough so I could see anything other
tan the fires.
next temple we stopped at was what I think of as the Temple Of “No”.
Big signs in front, No shoes of any type. Even children's sandals.
No photography. If you lose your shoe ticket it will cost 20 Rupees.
If you want to be blessed, Guru So-and-so will be here between 10 and
11 am and will bless you for 100 Rupees. For 350 Rupees you could
approach the altar of a particular god or goddess. It was a bigger
scam than the flipping pigeon.
a little after 3 pm and back at the hotel. Think I'll look at
pictures from today and figure out which ones to attach to this,
maybe a slight power nap and then dinner. Life is good, today.
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