Wednesday March 26th 2014
Bagan, Mandalay 1:30 p.m.
As I was saying …
I kind of balked at the idea of
climbing the temple to see the sunset. A little prodding of Bobo got
me to submit to his idea of what would be fun for me. The climb up
was really nice. A perspective overlooking the entire plain. I knew
there were a lot of temples in the area, but until I got high did I
realize just how many. We only stopped at maybe less than 10
yesterday and I would image that was just a 10th of the
total. Granted most of them are unremarkable, but still there are a
ton, no several tons of them.
I took a lot of pictures as the light
and shadow changed. I don't know if I got any shots worth printing we
shall have to see once me and Photoshop are reunited. Sunset ? Well
it did. Not a lot of color as sometimes happens. The sun played
peek-a-boo behind some clouds and finally fizzled out into the haze.
Nice perspective, better than midday light, so so sunset. Glad I
But like mount Everest. The top is only
half way. I must have looked like a spider coming down all stretched
out and hanging on. Obviously I didn't need to use my trip
Back at the hotel I told Bobo that I
would be taking a horse cart day off tomorrow (today) and would be
going to the outlying areas via taxi, but I might like to get some
early morning photos the following day (tomorrow). He gave me his
business card and wrote his phone number on it. I told him I'd give
him a call and let him know.
I made a quick pitstop and then headed
out to seek dinner. I liked the place I ate at the previous night and
the price with a beer was about the same as a Mocha Frappiccino at
Starbucks – and – they had WiFi. Maybe their Wifi would let me
get onto my blog. (it appears it did). Dinner was good but missing
some crucial elements from the previous evening. The prior meal was
sliced raw carrots and such, a kind of chopped up spinach mixture,
broccoli, a really great fresh curry and some boney chicken that had
been portioned with a cleaver into bite sized pieces. There were no
carrot sticks and no curry last night. I didn't tip. To be honest I
am the only tourist who does so I doubt they even knew I was slightly
I stayed up all the way until 10 p.m. I
am such a big girl now.
The morning came and sitting on my
veranda sipping coffee and watching it lighten. Had some breakfast
and then went to wait for the taxi I had called for last night. It
was the same taxi driver as I had from the airport. On the drive into
town he gave me his card and told to give him a call and he would
give me a full day for $35. Seemed pretty fair to me. In the phone
conversation I had his say “$35 for full day” back to me. At the
appointed time a different taxi driver arrived and told me the other
one was busy. Ok, fine. No huge deal. I told him where I wanted to go
and his eyes got big and said $30 more. I told him stick to the
original price and I'll pay for the gas, because I know we are
leaving the town area. He got on the phone post haste and called the
no show driver and handed me the phone. “Nooo, madam. $35 half day
in Bagan only”. I handed the phone back, said thank you and walked
away expecting to get called back. The car and driver drove away. It
isn't the cost, but I am not going to be taken with 'bait and
switch'. I might be missing out on the day trip of a lifetime, so be
So as the package tours say in their
itinerary I have a “Free day”. Walked to the market and did some
actual shopping. I walked down the tourist gauntlet of shirt and
skirt seller and told on in particular I would return after some more
looking around. I did return after taking s9me pictures and the stand
was there, but she wasn't. So I walked down to the stand 2 booths
away and after many different tries did fine 2 tops that would fit my
fluffy body. I could have negotiated harder but she really do work to
find a type and size for me. As I was leaving I passed the first shop
and she was back. She gave me Holy Hell for not waiting for her. I
don't think I deserved that. Maybe, but I think not.
Back at the hotel I asked them to call
Bobo. Of course the phone was disconnected or not in service. O.k.
Now what ? On the back of his business card it had his cart number
and the area where he was generally based. Fair enough. I requested
directions from the front desk and she pointed in the general
direction with a left at the traffic circle. Learning from a
previous mistake I asked if I was going in the right direction about
every 10 minutes. Kind of like saving your work when working on a
long document, except I don't have a built in autosave. One of the
stops she suggested I take that dirt cow path over there. It would be
like cutting off the “V” I would be making at the traffic circle.
True to her word she saved me a substantial amount of walking.
I bought a bottle of water and kept on
keeping on to the location on the card. I knew he would be out
hustling customers but I was optimistic. His number is 20 and of
course no 20 in sight. There was a 29 though. He and I exchanged
pleasantries and of course he was more than willing to take me to see
the temples. He did know Bobo. I told him. “If you see Bobo, tell
him the American lady from the Thante hotel wants to talk to him. If
he finds me as I am walking back I'll give him 2000 Khat to give to
you.”. 3000 was the rejoinder. Then he said lest splint the
difference at 2500. I did try for 2300 but he kind of had me over a
barrel ($ .20).Then he said “I know where Bobo live. You wait here
ten minute.” Sounded good to me. I was in shade, I had water, I
would have waited 30. I didn't have anything better to do anyway.
Ten minutes later he came back with
Bobo in the back of the horse cart. I had to smile. I handed two 1000
notes and started peeling off 100's. I paused at 300 and looked a
question at him. He just continued to hold his hand out until the
other 200 landed. Smiles all around.
Bobo happened to be at home instead of
searching for tourists. He had a 2 a.m. gig of moving luggage for
someplace to someplace else. Then found a Dutch couple who wanted
sunrise service at the temples and that was all. So his morning was
made by nine thirty. We made the deal for tomorrow. Six a.m. Call
time (he set it, not me). Early morning photo shoot and New Bagan
with something else in the late afternoon.
They offered me a ride back to the
hotel, but my pride kept me on my sandals. I made a wrong cow path
choice on the way back and ended up half a block from my hotel. Life
is good.
remainder of the day is watching tourists attempt for melinoma at the
poolside. Take a walk to the travel agent to get a ride out of town
day after tomorrow and find some grub. Sounds like a “Free day”
to me.
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