Thursday March 27th 2014
Bagan, Myanmar
Thursday and the banks are closed, how
Last eve I took a walk to a different
restaurant than the one where I caught the past WiFi signal. This was
a little more local than tourist, but a step away from street food,
which I am still leery of even though the only two times I have been
sick were from eating in tourist oriented eateries. This one was lit
outside with LED strings of lights and looked inviting. My stomach
was making ugly faces from the anti malarial pill I had taken before
leaving my hotel. I have to remember to take with food. I ordered a
beer and looked at the menu. The prices seemed a little high but I
was there and they were here, so go with it. I ordered soup, salad
rice and a main of stir fried chicken and vegetables. The waiter said
it might be too much and the way my stomach was feeling I agreed. Nix
the soup. The salad of tomatoes, onions and cumber was really good,
but just a little and see how it goes. With 'goes' being the
operative word in that sentence. The rice was a nice cup full but
the protein of the meal was huge. The waiter said it was a single
serving when I ordered. Ya, a single family. I ate half of
everything, but I did drink all the beer. I motioned for the check
and the waiter came by looked and walked away. Then some lady came
and looked and walked away. Then the manager or owner came over.
“What is wrong with the food?”. “Nothing it is just too big.”
He understood, wrote the bill up and charged me five bucks. I did
glance out the open kitchen door into the cooking area. I might call
it a kitchen but you wouldn't probably. It wasn't a room, just
burners set up outside the back of the restaurant. I'll go back
This morning was meet the horse cart
at 6 a.m. For sunrise at the temples. I don't know what it about the
sun they think I need to see it pop out of the ground or fall into
the river. Whatever. That was the time he set. We clipped in the dark
to temple/pagoda/building he said for me to climb. I finally found
the stairs inside and they were totally back and I hadn't thought to
bring a flashlight. I stayed slightly elevated and took the morning
pictures. All I wanted was the 'golden hour' after the sun came up.
It was a very nice sight and I am glad I went. As the sun was
brightening the morning the hot air balloons were rising. It made a
very pretty scene.
Then off to some pagoda/temple crawling
and to the new town New Bagan. In the 1990's the government
moved the
population from living among the temples to a town outside the
national park. It was a nice town, lots of trees and greenery on the
riverside. Next stop was a new golden temple that was jammed packed
with tourists and no white faces among them. I circled the stupa and
took some pictures and reboarded my ride.
The reason I think is today is a
holiday. This morning on the way to sunrise I saw a group of ten
women in traditional dress eating breakfast. They were wearing the
dresses with lots of gold embroidery and the hats that go around your
head and have a golden spike at the top. On our way to the next sight
we came along a large parade of people half in similar dress for both
men and women and a motorized paladin carrying the guests of honor.
This was their send off to join the monkhood. Vows taken today, a
large feast tomorrow and off to red robes and rice bowls for as long
as they stay monks. (Monkhood is kind of fluid. Go, leave, come back
as you need/want to) My camera sounded like a cicada as the shutter
opened and closed. Then it stopped. Dead battery. The meter on my
camera is like some gas gauges. Shows full until suddenly it falls
off quickly. Of course no back up. I was forced to look at this
marvel with my own eyes and not through a view finder. Oh ! The
humanity !
Back at the hotel by ten a.m.
I got the bad news that the plane for
the 29th would have a long layover in Mandalay, while the
one tomorrow would be there only long enough to discharge passengers
and take on fuel before going on to my destination, Lake Innle. I
kind of wanted to see Mount Popa but it is time to move on since time
in country is getting shorter. So the bird flies at 7:30 and lands
finally at 9:30. Hopefully time to find a hotel before too late in
the day.
A power nap full of odd dreams while
the young nubile bodies froliced in the pool. A walt to the local
water station and back to meet Bobo and son around 4:00. Mostly just
some easy fresco laden temples. At one a sales man told me the story
of this minor temple. A the head monk of the Monistary was paying
tribute to the king and his funds ran out the king demanded what the
monk didn't have and when he couldn't come across the king had him
blinded. Since he could no longer see to write the tablets any longer
the people took the ones that were written on and tossed them into
the toilet for safe keeping. Eventually this king died and the people
dug up the tablets and wanted the monk to write more. The monk said
he could with the magic stone and new eyes. The people went to the
market and brought back one goat eye and one cow eye. How the cow eye
fit is beyond me. Once the eyes were in place the magic stone came
into play and everybody was happy except for the bad dead king. –
of course the tale came with the obligatory viewing of his wares
which I bought some of just because of the good story.
Another temple another sales man cum
tour guide. His tour was good, more history the story.. He was
selling the same merchandise as the other one and I had to turn him
down. I also had to turn down the guy who wheeled up on his motor
bike and offered to sell me real rubies. At a price better than he
would give his own mother. I had the impression he was selling them
at a loss, just for me. What a guy ! I let him keep the stones
because I am not real big into rubies.
We stopped at a couple more places, but
honestly the sun was heavily filtered and not suitable for the photos
I wanted to get and I didn't know how to make lemonade out of lemons.
So I mostly asked Bobo about things. He was alive and living here in
'75 for the last earthquake. Happened around dinner time and as
thibgs began to move mom said hang on it is going to get bumpy. I
don't know if they knew what was going on, probably so, but everyone
in the village started banging their fire bell. No deaths were
reported in the area, but most of the pagodas and temples sustained
damage. The only to survive intact is the one in yesterdays picture
with the gold stupa and the birds flying through the picture.
His family is a family of cart drivers
going back at least four generations. I asked jim if his grandfather
ever told him about when the Japanese occupied the country. He said
that his grand dad remembers a lot of Japanese and British and Indian
fighting each other. Many were killed, but he didn't know what it was
all about. He said No. they weren't/aren't allowed firearms, only
sling shots and knives. He doubted they would be very effective in
world war two..He did say numerous Buddha statures lost their heads
for some reason the plunderers thought there was gold and jewels
Atop one of the temples that you are
allowed to climb there were hundreds of people one top watching the
sunset. Bobo said they were mostly Myanmar people. I asked him why
and he said it was 3 month summer vacation for school. Next month is
the Water Festival then New Years and then back to school for today's
co-pilot. Back to monk school, not to become a monk, but taught by
monks. In Mandalay I ad seen a boy get tapped rather sharply on the
top of his head for messing around. I told him that the Christian
nuns had a rep for smacking palms with rulers. He told me that in
school if you don't do your lessons the first time is a warning.
Second stronger warning. Third “How many lashes with the cane do
you want ? One – two or three ?”. – “Noooo I don't think only
one is enough I think three is right. But I will split the difference
with you at two.”. Interesting learning tool, especially the higher
math involved in figuring out how many lashes are deserved.
We rode back to the hotel. Good wishes
and appreciated thanks given on both sides. I made an instant pit
stop, changed shoes and walked back to last eve's restaurant with a
replay of the previous meal only spicy and sour chicken which is
pretty darned good. Then back to my abode, pack and get to bed.
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