Lake Inle – Myanmar
This morning started the same as any
morning in a 2 star hotel in a third world country. Find a darned
plug for coffee and hairdryer. There are plugs galore and they all
work, the problem lays in finding one that will fit snugly enough so
that it makes connection. For some reason the plugs with the little
round holes wear out and you have to fiddle with the plug to get the
insert to fit just right. It works for a second and as soon as you
release it it moves and you lose power. So you go through this dance
of jiggling the plug, releasing it and when it keeps power to try and
never move it again until whatever task you are trying to accomplish.
The hot water is reasonably easy as it is static once in place. The
hairdryer is nearly impossible. It was so impossible that I almost
didn't wash my hair today. Eventually I reigned successful.
I rented a bike from the hotel because
the boat driver said he would meet me on a bike. He did show up on a
bike and had a trishaw along. One of the forms of transport I haven't
ridden in yet. A trishaw is a bike with a sidecar sort of affair
attached. I it has two seats of wood and generally covered in dirt.
One faces forward and one to the rear. Maybe I'll get a chance later.
We got to the boat and he passed me off
to a young man with English skills nearly as good as my Burmese. Not
quite a bait and switch but if I had known that he was just a
middleman I would have taken my business to a different vendor. The
actual boatman.
The boat is the typical boat you might
think of going down a river in Thailand. Long and thin as a snake
with a giant engine in the back and a long shaft connected tot he
engine with the propeller on the end. The boatman cranks a wheel like
winding up a spring and the engine coughs to life in a cloud of smoke
and a heavy thrum-thrum that I am certain that it is going to die in
the next second.
I never did, it just sounded that way. He revs the engine puts the shaft into the water and with a rooster tail of green water we were away.
I never did, it just sounded that way. He revs the engine puts the shaft into the water and with a rooster tail of green water we were away.
The first stop was a town that was
hosting the five day movable market. Every day a different village.
Mr. Boatman pulled up a set of wooden steps and pointed shoreward.
I climbed up onto dry bridge and walked into town. I started
following where the string f people carrying full shopping baskets
were coming from. Probably two thirds of the way there I thought.
I've seen local markets in many places and they don't change. Tarps
on poles, goods on tarps on the ground, fruits vegetables, some meat,
some fish. This one might be in the woods, butt only thing different
is the setting. I did a U-turn. A hundred feet into my return a dozen
of so yellow hatted tourists trailed along behing a man dressed
better than the locals. Obviously their guide. How was the market ? I
didn't go. The day is early, you have plenty of time to see the rest
of the lake, come with us.” --------- fine !
I glanced over at some of his group one
woman stood out. Dressed in red from head to toe with a hankie to her
nose and mouth. It was a little dusty, but nothing smelled. I asked
Franco where his group was from, Italy. No, they didn't take and
buses it was airplane all the way. He had lived in Italy for a while
perfecting his Italian and next language to master was English. I
thought he was doing pretty good in our conversation, but he wanted
better. I asked him abut the woman in red. Nothing was good enough
for her. The food, the lodging, the sights. One of those people who
should stay home and read about it. He suggested a guesthouse in
Yangon and neither of us had a pen to write the number down. I walked
over to a lady selling tourist things and asked if I could borrow a
pen. She took one out of her purse and handed it to me. When the
information was affixed to paper I returned the pen to her and she
said if I needed it, it was her present to me. Now that is
Back at the boat, the next stop was the
cigar makers, then the jewelers and the weavers. The cigar makers
were the only thing that – you seen one, you seen em' all –. They
rolled flake tobacco into tobacco leaves and crimped the top down
inside the tube, instead of rolled tobacco leaves.
We stopped for lunch and a pagoda was
offered. I declined. I found out later I probably shouldn't have.
Instead of LED Buddha they had another gold leaf magnet Buddha. I had
seen the one in Mandalay but a different one would have been gravy.
The final stop was the monastery where
the monks have trained some cats to jump through hoops and over
things. The cats weren't jumping and the monks were off monking. It
was a pretty cool building regardless of jumping cats or not.
Numerous cats loafing around, accepting ears and belly rubs. One monk
was in a regal chair on a dais and people would kneel before him and
offer him cash. He would take it with just the tips of his fingers
and place it in a large bowl next to him and talk to the person. I
don't know if he was offering advice, absolving them of sins or
telling their fortunes. It was fun just to watch him talk to them.
Back at town. I paid up the driver and
pedaled back to the hotel and fell under the fan and tried to cool my
poor burnt shoulders and arms. Well, duh !
Tomorrow at at a few before seven the
taxi will be here to go to the airport and the beach for a day or so.
I wanted to go to Taungoo and see the working elephant camps, but
since they are in the jungle tourists require a permit and a guide to
enter the area. Neither of which I have. So a day or so of umbrella
drinks sounds kind of nice
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