Monday March 31st 2014 –
7:45 p.m.
Ngapoli Beach, Myanmar.
The hotel manager last evening
suggested that I pedal on down to the end of the road today and catch
the fishermen as they brought in the catch of the day as well as fish
for drying to be the catch of some other day. His estimated time of
departure should be around six a.m.. I set the iPod alarm to five and
was showered and gone by quarter until six. What a very pleasant
ride. No construction, no big trucks. The occasional car, but most of
the vehicles on the road were of the two wheeled type. I know they
get their fill of tourists but I was surprised by the number of
people who said hello as I passed them.. The road was wide and
generally flat. The road was also in well used condition. Meaning
very bumpy in places and there isn't any cushion or springs in the
bike that I had under me today.
About a week ago I quit buying
cigarettes by the pack. I could see that I would be a hard core
junkie by the time I went home. A pack a day was passing my lips in
no time. I noticed in passing a store and restaurant that they sold
single Myanmar cigarettes from an open pack. For a nickel (I got
ripped off once for a dime) I can have a cigarette and still have
some control. I was passing a roadside shack that had the fixing for
Bettal leaves (the entire southeast Asia's drug of choice. Something
that is wrapped in a leaf and then stuck between cheek and gum. It
makes you spit a lot and makes your teeth really really bad at the
gum line), they also generally sell cigarettes. I stopped the bike,
put my foot out and my cuff caught the pedal and I crashed into the
middle of the street flat on my back. Now that was a graceful move I
hope not to repeat, but I did get my cigarette.
At the end of the road there was a
breakwater partially encircling a very peaceful bay. Dozens of boats
were pulled up close to shore and people with baskets and poles were
wading out to the boats exchanging emptys for full and repeating this
over and over. Nthe women on the shore would dump out the fish on the
sand and start sorting. Most of the fish were sardine size and would
be used for drying. Some were palm sized but not too many. I did see
one little puffer fish in the mix as well. Ome woman was taking the
fish and throwing them in the dirt and then covering them with dirt.
I thought these were the rejects until I wanked through them and
caught a dirty look. WHOOPS !! Sorry … I have not idea what kind of
process she was doing. It looked like she was throwing them away. On
the drying rack besides the fish were some really nice looking squid.
Then the town drunk found me. He was
all talking in some English, some Burmese and a lot of Sot at a
volume you could hear all over the beach. I tried to humor him and
then tried avoiding him and then used one of my 5 words in Burmese.
Go! And motioned away. None of the above worked. Finally I had to
admit defeat and leave the area.
I walked the bike through the village
amid a chorus of “Ming ula bah's” (Hello) and beauty pageant
waves. If yoyu wave back with your fingers they interpret it to mean
“Come here” a mistake I am making less and less, but am still not
flawless at it. If they stared at me I smiled and almost without
exception they smile back and said hello. The young pre schoolers
were the best. They would almost wave their arm off and they yelled
hello. Sometimes in Burmese, occasionally with an actual Hello. I was
in the part of the village that most of the tourists overlook or just
glimpse as they pass by in a vehicle. Walking the bike brought me to
a pace where we both connected at some basic level.
The heat of the day was starting to
pick up so I sauntered out of the village and to the main road to go
to the hotel. By now the rest of the world had awoken and the
trucks and construction workers were back making my life interesting.
Back at the hotel I had some breakfast, took another shower and just
hung out in the room or on the veranda until late afternoon when I
went for a walk on the beach. Walking along at the surf line with the
waves washing over my feet and soaking the cuffs of my pants. I
walked until I turned around and the sun was getting closer to the