Tuesday December 2nd 2014 –
I asked for an adventure, a small one
and today I succeeded at that.
After breakfast I caught, well let's be
honest the doorman caught a tuk-tuk for me and negotiated a price for
a ride to the river front. The birthplace of the city. The negotiated
price was 300 Tk ($2.50). 300 ?!?!? What? Who do you think I am? The
Bank of Bangladesh ? You know, it's surprising just how far 300 Tk
will take you in a Dhaka tuk-tuk.
The driver unlatched the welded lattice
door and I got in. The then threw a bold into the U shaped bracket in
the door and I was locked in. There was no way for me to access the
latch to get out. Steel mesh surrounded me and I was in solitary
Mr Toad of Mr. Toad's Wild Ride would
squeeze in between huge buses layered in scrapes and Bondo. If you
looked and counted you could easily see all the colors that the bus
had been painted over the years. And by years I mean decades. I half
joked yesterday that the buses were scrapped by the British in 1947
and resurrected here. We were so tight that even if I could reach the
latch I couldn't open the doors. I could see the Behemoths start to
move and slowly converge as Mr. Toad would crank the gas and we would
squeeze between them and then like on rails turn right in front of
them and stop. I waited for the bus' nose to squish is between it and
the cargo truck in front of us. Then he'd gas it push the handle bars
to the left and zip between a Toyota sedan and two rickshaws. All the
time with the horn blaring. I really wonder if it worked in any way
or just the thing to do when driving.
It took around forty five minutes to
get to Saderghat, give or take. The area was jammed with tuk-tuks,
trucks, cars and rickshaws. I shakily pushed through the mesh the 300
Tk and a few more as an offering to the God's and gratefully heard
that magic sound of the bolt withdrawing. I paid my bail and I was
again a free citizen of the world.
The sidewalks and the street was packed
with people, tuk-tuks and rickshaws, with the majority being
rickshaws and people. Every conveyance whether it feet or wheels was
either moving at a fast pace or totally stopped. A few women in saris
and even fewer in head coverings and scarves. Men in workman’s
clothing, men in loose fitting pants and tops and men by the
thousands with 20 or more pound boxes and baskets balanced on their
heads worming their way through this morass. With all this chaos the
only collisions I witnessed was my occasional mis-step into someone.
It was a marvel of choreography.
After a short walk the huge Saderghat
ferry terminal ended and the normal citizens began their lives.
on the sidewalks selling everything from tea to new to used
clothing. I doddle along at about 1/3rd speed of the rest
of the passers by. Occasionally I hear a, not angry, but certainly
authoritarian voice behind me and turn to see a man trying to get
past me fat ass as he has a load five or six boxes of oranges swaying
on top of his head. I quickly recover from the dream state I was in
and step the heck out of his way as I say “Sorry, sorry” which
seems to translate well. Either I get a smile or he just hurries on.
He might have been saying bad things about my mother in his head, but
never, never any outward showing of anger at me.
The entire morning I would hear called
“Hello, how are you?” and turn and acknowledge them with a “Fine,
how are you?”. I would generally get a smile and a “Good” back
and occasionally I think they were just trying out their English and
didn't have a grasp on that the correct response was. Once in a while
there was more conversation than just that one line exchange. Where
are you from ? What is your name ? That sort of thing. A handshake
was not uncommonly offered. Sometimes with a light grip, sometimes
with a good strong business grip and sometimes with that grip I see
in many Muslim countries where the hands are grasped and held for the
entire time. A little uncomfortable for my western upbringing, but I
am adapting. When whatever type of handshake was released the right
hand always, and I mean always went and covered their heart. A sign I
was told was the same as “Greetings from the heart to you”
Walking down the trash strewn loading
area was where I first saw the little canoes that carry people and
goods across the river. Like the roads, it appears to be chaos, but
there is an internal organization to it. The boats are paddled
abreast and then like parts on a conveyor belt one fills with the
requisite number of people or people and goods and it pulls away and
the next boat starts filling up. This seemed to be endless. There
certainly was no break for the 10 of fifteen minutes I watched.
Though offered many times to board I
declined. I'll accept you calling me a wimp and wear the title
proudly. Maybe the next time I'm in Dhaka I'll give it a try.
I caught a tri-shaw (pedal rickshaw)
for a ride over to an area called Shankhaira Bazaar. This is the
heart of old Dhaka. Reminiscent of the souks in Morocco, only the
streets are straighter. I wandered and looked. Once in a while buy a
single cigarette or a bottle of water. The space alien passing
glances I would defer with a smile, a nod or every now and then a
'Salam”. 90% of the time I got the same back. Just curiosity. –
This is the truth, no exaggeration. I was in the area for between two
and a half or three hours and never, ever say a western face. Not
I was offered chai from the vendors
when I stopped to watch the process. One vendor was making a
concoction that he was pouring between two cups. At first I thought
it was raw egg whites, but didn't see any eggs. It was thick and I am
not going to say what that dense liquid looked like. I started a new
batch by peeling a leaf similar to an Aloe leaf into a cup and adding
a few other secret herbs and spices into it and then like a good
bartender mixed it by pouring it between the two metal cups.
Then there was the snake oil salesman
with the cure for all the world's illness if you bought his special
tonic and a couple leeches from him. He had a pretty good sized
crowd, but no buyers from what I could see.
Some way know only to the God's of
stupid tourists I ended up away from the cacophony of Hindu street
into a quiet residential refuge. I was sitting on a step just trying
to get myself re-centered and a huge argument started in the area I
had just passed. I looked to the rooftops and the monkeys were going
at at. I guess somebody be a messin' where they shouldn't be a
messin'. Then the dominant one came across the rooftops and stopped
and stared at me. I stared back and then pulled my head down to mark
aggression. The monkey jerked it's head down ready to fight. I
crouched down a little lower and brought my arms out a bit to show it
I was bigger. That really got it's ire up. Then I heard laughing,
From being totally alone with me and this monkey, who obviously
didn't see many white chicks. Half a dozen people had been watching
me. Fuck a duck. I was so embarrassed.
Time to close this missive I've gone on
much too long.
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