Saturday February
29th (Leap Day)
Florence Italy
Back in Florence.
Kinda like being home. I still get confused with the streets, just
not as confused.
Everyone is talking
about the Black Death that is killing millions and millions. At least
that I the way they seem to be reacting. I think I took a class on
history someplace along the line, maybe it was 6th grade. They were
talking about the actual Black Plague in the 1300’s. Out of Africa
on ships to devastate Europe. Have planes, trains and automobiles
(but no John Candy) and a very mobile population. Whereas people in
the 1300 seldom went more than 5 miles from their birthplace. Now
that is a drive to the grocery store. We have a virus with a long
incubation period. It is now on every continent (Maybe not
Antarctica). I fear the genie is out of her bottle and stopping
events, flights and voluntary travel might slow it down, but it
coming to a town near you soon. Hopefully it will be after a vaccine
is created, but I fear it with us like flu or common cold (some
strains of the common cold are corona virus’). It seems to be more
contagious than the flu but less lethal. Use common sense, wash your
hands whenever soap and water is available, and alcohol based
something (I prefer Vodka, Smirnoff not Grey Goose) when soap and
water is not available. Keep your damn hands away from your face,
especially the nose and mouth. I seldom wear mascara, but on this
trip I do, it keeps me from rubbing my eyes. So men maybe you should
let your freak flag fly until we get that vaccine.
Okay back to our
usual irreverence.

While waiting on the
platform I chatted up a English speaking couple. They were newlyweds
and came to Italy to celebrate. I got to go to La Jolla California
and Ocean Shores, Washington. They had chosen Venice for theirs. The
had chosen Venice specifiably for Mardi Gras . Right in the middle of
the week’s celebration the city announced the celebrations were all
canceled, because of the virus. I had read that fashion week in Milan
was also curtailed and some models were still walking the runway with
and empty room to strut for. The train arrived and we parted, but
didn’t shake hands.
Hey! I got on the
right trains, twice! The ride was without drama. My Apple watched
like it though. I guess the rocking of the car made it think I was
moving and it congratulated me on being so active, as I sat on my
Once in Florence, I
made a quick pit stop at the same hotel as before. I had left my
luggage there. I gave the bellman my ticket and he brought me my
suitcase and a Prada shopping bag, with something under the tissue
paper. He insisted it was mine, and I insisted back it wasn’t. I
didn’t use the ‘Fuck’ word with him but he was a hard sell.

A slow stroll back
to the train station to secure a ticket for tomorrow to Naples, then
the room to chill out and internet hunt a place to sleep in Naples.
Dinner at 7:30, so
I’ll leave the hotel at 7 for a 22 minute walk, according to Apple
maps. I haven’t had good success with Google maps this time. Apple
is pretty good and the watch buzzes when you gt close to a direction
change. Down I go past familiar sights, jostling people on the
sidewalk. Alternating from walking on he walkway and the roadway.
After a while, the tourists lessen and it becomes more locals. Then
fewer of them. I check my phone to make sure I’m on the right path
and it looks good. Then I walk across the bridge and there is no one.
And the map says take a soft right. Well the soft right leads up a
hill rated for a 4X4 in low gear or at least a Sherpa. I know people
walk his type of street, but they have thighs and calves of iron.
Mine are more on the melted lead type. Also it is one of those
streets that curve and you can’t see what it coming up, or how far
the corner is. I am sweating at the first corner and then have more
of the same to go before the restaurant. I can see the light, my
watch has dinged that I am close, still I actually have to stop twice
more to catch my breath before crossing the threshold.
This better be good!