Sunday, April 14
2019 – evening Cuzco
The day started out
as any other day. Way, way too early. I couldn’t remember if the
boat left a 5 or 530am, so got up at 4. Turns out it as five thirty,
and at five fifteen Fiona was shining her laser like head light in my
face. Mary Ann was also on this trip. They had a 2 hour layover at
Refugio since both she and Fiona were leaving Puerto Maldonado later
than the rest of us. I was looking forward to a leisurely 6 to 8
hours on a fiberglass canoe with an outboard on the back and no
toilet facilities. That sounds like something directly Heaven sent.
The ride was the
ride. The engine noise in the rear, the wind in my face. The guides
yacking among themselves. I am occasionally nodding off and
occasionally awake. We’ve past this same river several times now
Crap ! I could almost helm the boat. Just as I am starting to relax,
someone up
front is making a big commotion and pointing at a sand
bar. Then I hear the word “Yag War”. Yag War ?!?!? Not Land Rover
or Aston Martin, Jaguar !?!?!?!? Well so went my nice relaxing time.
I sort of see it waayyy over there, and pop a iPhone shot. It isn’t
worth getting out the Nikon. The guide says “we’ll wait here.”
- I knew it - “and go back when he starts to cross the river.” -
REALLY !! Time to get the lens cap off the telephoto. The cat got in
the water and the driver pulled around and got almost too close got
my telephoto. It was a real treat to just see this head in the water
with a small wake behind it. When it got to the shore I guess it
didn’t view us as harmful, because it loped along the river bank
for several minutes before squeezing though the bamboo and back into

Everyone on the boat
was jacked on Adrenalin. And it took a while before the doldrums
returned. Fiona and Mary Ann got off and a new tribe got on. Half way
there, only 3 and a half hours to go. We didn’t have any adventures
from that point until the port, bus ride and airport and still no
drama. My last view of Puerto Maldonado was Fiona waving good bye to
me. Some way she and Mary Ann made it before I left. A two hour break
would have been sweet.
On the plane it is 3
– 3, my 3 was 2.5. The headrest was broken and laying on the seat
back on the
aisle seat. I settled into my window seat and sat back to
wait and see what happened with the headrest passenger. Well wouldn’t
you know, he showed up, before even looking at his seat, takes his
carry on and pounds it into the bin before his row number. I felt
sorry for any squishy someone had put in before him. Then he notices
his seat (why the cabin crew didn’t short cut this earlier I not
for me too know) and throws the proverbial shit fit. The flight seems
to be fully booked and Mr. My bag is more important than our bag,
might have to sit on a different plane. The crew found him a seat,
darn. Then I see Mary Ann walking down the aisle. She must have
gotten herself on an earlier flight. Good for her.

The plane takes off,
reaches cruising altitude, starts to descend (just a little) and we
land a Cuzco. When I get to the door I see stairs down. This can only
mean one thing – stairs up. Mind you we are at 11 thousand feet,
and I’m used to sea level, plus 5 feet 9 inches. My calf is still a
bit angry so the stairs go slow, in the terminal is a ramp that goes
up 20 feet. I refuse to show weakness and tell myself Cuzco is as
good as anyplace to have a heart attack, so no stopping! I made it,
barely. I did ‘need’ to stop at the top to adjust something in my
bag though. As soon as we reached level ground we had to go back down
to street level, where we started ! Waiting for baggage, Mary Ann
came over to chat. She ad arrived just as they were going o close the
cabin doors with 2 seats empty and she got one of them. Lucky. She
asked if I wanted t share a taxi, I told her the hotel said they wold
send one for 20 Peruvian, but she was welcome. Of course the hotel
failed to send one. Some slick as willing to do it for 30, I told him
25, mumbled something bout 5 to park, I said 20. He turned away. A
minute of so later he says how much you want to pay. I told him 20.
He hollered over to the junkiest taxi with a light on top and off we
went for 20. Mary Ann said she paid 50 to and from the airport last
time. She said I guess it pays to haggle. I;m glad she was along,
with her help the driver found my hotel. We bid adieu with a hug and
off she went.
The hotel is nice
enough. Close to most of the tourist spots and off the street. It is
a little noisy, but the reviews noted that.

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