Tuesday April 16
2019 – Cuzco – Morning
I believe I might
survive. I was questioning it that first night. So let’s return to
days of yesteryear, well 24ish hours ago.
I hate stairs !
After wandering a little around town and dinner,, it was pretty much
bedtime. I took the appropriate tablets and lay in the bed gasping
for air. Nothing was turning blue but I could never seem to find
enough air to satisfy me. I was afraid that if I went went to sleep I
would breathe so shallow that I would not wake up. Obviously that
didn’t happen. I woke and just couldn’t get out of bed. Got to
the bathroom (remember no T.P. into the toilet – I frequently
forget. I mean it’s automatic) then back to bed to catch up on air.
If today wasn’t so special I’d have headed to lower climes. After
about twice as long as it should have taken I was out the door and in
search of breakfast.
I found a nice
little coffee shop one flight up (drat!) overlooking the Cathedral.
It seemed like a good place to get revved up and to sit for a bit.
I’m looking at the sights and some dude is yakking on his cell
phone and jet like decibels. I see a likely looking couple speaking
English, so ask them if the know what time Pawhusky Jesus comes out.
(In Puskatawny Pennsylvania every year on February 2nd a
rodent is pulled from his den and is supposed to predict how many
weeks of winter, Puxatwny Phil) Here on Holy Monday a huge black
Jesus comes out of the cathedral and is walked around town. His is
supposed to ward off earthquakes, just like he did in 1650. These two
guys were as clueless as I was. So I went to Mr Yak-yak. I take back
all the bad things I said about him. He was really sweet. He first of
all it was not Jesus, it was The Man of Earthquakes. Hmm.. some guy
nailed on a crucifix with a crown of thorns is not Jesus, OK if you
say so. Regardless of semantics he was supposed t emerge from his
smoky lair around 2pm, about the same time he did in 1650. Well that
made my schedule clearer. I did some ore walk about, avoiding stairs
whenever the were avoidable.
I went into the
cathedral, where the Bishop (or possibly Cardinal) was giving today’s
sermon and then Mass. No photos allowed, sorry. The place was full of
a mixture of tourists, reporters, worshipers and locals. Smoke and
smells wafted from the altar. On the steps to the altar sat 100 young
boys all dressed in white, with wings and halos. The altar itself
consisted of a black crucified Jesus (Hmm.. maybe his online persona
is Mister Earthquake). He was wearing a gold inlaid skirt. According
to the guide book, he is Lilly white under his skirt (I guess he
doesn’t get outside all that much). The red flowers that are burned
at his feet have blackened him over the centuries. Mass was nice with
the call and response, and the organ and choir. My grandmother was
Catholic and one time

lit a candle for me, I thought I could do the
same now. Well candles are now in the 20
th century, in the
form of electric light bulbs. I told her in missed her and popped in
a few Soles and a lamp lit. Sure seemed anticlimactic.
I ran the gauntlet
of picture sellers, jewelry vendors, restauranteurs, and of all
things masseuses, back to the hotel. To relax before returning to the
square around 1230pm to grab a seat to wait for the emergence.
I found a set of
steps with the Cathedral doors in sight, so I snuggled up against a
pillar to protect that side from interlopers and waited. I people
watched, as people came and went sitting next to me. One pair was
from Winnipeg and he wasn’t handling the altitude very well. I told
them about the altitude sickness pill that makes you pee. I had
Goggled the side effect on my phone the night before so showed her.
She took a iPhone picture of my iPhone’s web page. They departed
and a few new sets came and went. Directly in front of me were men in
black suits and wearing red capes. I thought they might be like
Shriners (or the Cuzco equivalent)I herd English to me right and
asked him what the were. He said the were the Brothers of Mister
Earthquake. They were the only ones who carried that statue. Each
helped carry it for fifty steps, then another group took over. The
represented various churches. I have no idea if what he told me, but
since I wrote it, it is now the truth.

Mister Earthquake
was a little tardy, maybe 20 minutes, but he did show up to drumbeat
and smoke. Slowly down the street he came. At the corner similar to
the Rose Parade he had to make a corner. Very slowly he was turned
and began down the street I was siting on. A sick snail could have
passed him, but he was tenacious and kept chugging on, fifty pairs of
feet at a time. When he got closer I could seen why he was so slow.
There was the bier, the flowers, the solid silver base and the actual
statue. All held aloft by a bunch of men released from the old folks
home just for the day. As the passed under windows people were
tossing red flowers the color of blood on to the statue. The

carrying him with their perfectly coiffed hair, using oil or their
wife’s hairspray were getting the petals stuck to the top of their
heads. These guys were really working holding him up, you could see
the strain on their faced and body posture. Immediately after passing
me there was another corner. The men in the front stayed close to
stationary and the men in the back were literally pushed by some sort
of bully to move to their left to turn Senior Trembles and get him
headed in the right direction – uphill. No thank you very much, I’d
rather an earthquake than to lug him around.
I waited a bit and
then went back towards the hotel, grabbed a bit to eat. I had given
some thought of going back t see him go back into he hideaway, but
during dinner the wind came up and a front came through and the
weather went for cool to cold, besides I had pretty much had as much
fun as I could stand for the day.
This hotel has a
reputation as being noisy, so I took a Valium and slept through the
after party.
Today I woke feeling
normal. Got up, grabbed a cup’o Joe and went out after being
advised to trade my fleece into for a rain coat. Back at the
Cathedral, the main doors were open and I stepped through them only
to be stopped and a minder. Who said, no tourists, only worshipers. I
thanked him, tuned to leave and one of the other minders overruled
him and told me to enter. I have no idea what occurred there, but I
was happy for it.
Inside was a full
Mass. With male and female choir. All the smells and bells you could
ask for. Not a tourist in sight. Rows and rows of school girls and
boys. A head priest and a couple rows of half priests and a covey of
Altar boys. I thought I saw the Eucharist being given t some of the
men on the altar. A pronouncement of faith my the congregation and
the Lord’s Prayer. This is supposition because it was not in
English. I went over to where I had lit my grandmother’s light and
there was Mister Earthquakes. So he doesn’t live behind the altar
everyday. Sort of off to the side so he can keep an eye on things.
I bought a city
tour, that turned into an expedition. I thought were were going to
sty in the city, instead we went all over the countryside looking at
Incan rocks. I’m sure they were important, each in their own way,
but they all blended into each other after a bit. I decided to sit
out the last one. I was ready to quit 1 set of rocks before that one.
It was getting colder and darker and we were nearing 13,000 feet.
Time to know your limits. Back in he city proper we were dropped off
and told to go there and turn right. That turned out to be a half
mile uphill march back to the main square. Though even with 2,000
feet difference I could feel the difference in the oxygen level.
Back at the hotel, a
bowl of soup and a beer. Tomorrow the train to Machu Pichu. I need to
pack an over night back pack and eave the bulk of my luggage behind
to pickup on my return.
I‘m tired, I’m
quitting this – good night.