April 3rd 2014 – 8:30 p.m.
I suppose the Thailand part of the date
and place is redundant, because everyone knows Bangkok is in Thailand.
This is going to be either very boring of very short. Hopefully one
and not the other.
I slept in until the alarm went off. A
surprise for a change. There wasn't time for breakfast. At least that
is the way it looked until I got to the airport and had more time
than I expected. Then the hurry to get to the airport turned into
waiting for the plane.
The plane came I got a middle seat, the
aisle lady moved so I had an aisle seat. The woman in the window was
in the aisle lady's seat. Of course she was the high maintainance
passenger. Needed help with the Immigration forms, had to go potty
twice on an hour and fifteen minute flight. She must have had a
bladder the size of a peanut.
The hotel is the same one as I stayed
at last year. It's rooms are smaller that the suite I had at the
Raddisson, but it has a nice restaurant overlooking a lush green
pool. I move back to the Raddisson tomorrow.
After dropping my bags exchanging some
mony and getting cooled off under the A/C I waited until clse to
three to face the heat of the day. I caught the skytrain down to the
river and got on the ferry until it came to the stop that the woman
at the hotel said was Chinatown and a must see. Her one word of
advice was “Don't buy anything there”. I am not sure if I found
it or not. All I found was a major street lined with gem shops and a
few antique shops. Everything looked closed up and nothing looked
quaint as I had expected.
I found an information booth and with
her help back to the ferry where I continued upstream to see the
reclining Buddha that I missed last time. They closed at three
thirty. Every tuk-tuk driver in Bangkok was willing to take me around
to see a plethora of other sights. One was a reasonable amount and
then the I don't know what kind of scam came the drivers who were
willing to drive me all over town for thirty cents and then down to
fifteen cents. I am kind of assuming it had something to do with a
gift shop involved in the picture some where along the trail.
Something was fishy there. Maybe I should have gone just to see.
There is a huge park across the street
from the palace and it looked like Bellingham bay with all the kites
being flown this eve. Then back to the ferry and the skytrain and
presto chango back at the hotel. I thought I'd take a beer and
perhaps dinner on the deck overlooking the pool, except the was some
sort of corporate function going on. So Just had the beer and opted
to walk down (or up) the lane and have dinner at a names “Cabbages
and Condoms”. They have something to do about unwanted babies The
place is jammed with people. The food is good, but I think the name
is more of a draw that the food.
So I am about 'peopled' out. Think I'll
close and get the check.
April 4th 2014 – The next
I am really confused now.
After a good night's sleep and
breakfast at the Ramada I packed up and moved almost across the
street to the Radisson. I moved from Soi 12 to Soi 13. I rolled my
luggage up the Soi to the main road. All the even Soi's are on one
side of a six lane (probably on two lanes each way but the lines
don't matter here) divided main road. The only real way I can figure
out how to cross is by going to a pedestrian overpass and I think I
remember seeing one of them a couple Soi's away. I hope to find a
passing tuk-tk and have him take me up the road, do a U-turn and over
to 13. Instead I find a taxi cab. He knows he has me and his price is
way over what it would be metered, but honestly in the real world it
wasn't that much.
The hotel is located and I start
pulling my two bags out of the nack seat of the cab and one of the
desk clerks comes out and says “Welcome back”. He ushers me into
the hotel. I give him my passport and credit card. He says he wants
to upgrade me to a suite, but the room isn't available yet. Would I
like some breakfast ? I am not a Hobbit, so second breakfasts are
generally out of my reach. I opted for some coffee instead.
The room really is large. I have a
couch, a full desk and a kitchen table with sink and ¾ size
refrigerator in one room and the other room has huge bed and dressing
area along with the necessities. I would guess it is 900 square feet
in total. Later in the day I was chilling in the room and the
doorbell rang. A woman was there with a small plate of fresh fruit
and a note personalized to me by the manager welcoming me back.
When I made the reservation before
leaving for Myanmar I made it for the basic room and the woman taking
the reservation reminded me that I wasn't getting a deluxe room. I
just don't understand this special treatment. I am not complaining at
all, just a bit dazed and confused.
Yesterday I went down to the King's
palace and he was closed for the day. So today I went down to see him
earlier in the day. I took the usual trail. Skytrain and ferry boat.
I get off the ferry boat and the first person who greets me is a
hustler who tells me the pagoda I want to see is closed to foreigners
until two thirty and so perhaps I should spend the intervening two
hours on a tour in one of his tuk-tuks for a cool thirty bucks. I
think I'll pass on that deal for, say …. the rest of my life.
The next driver I talk to is an actual
driver sitting in a tuk-tuk and pestering people on the sidewalk. He
pulls out the universal map showing all the wonderful places he would
take me, including the obligatory shopping center. I start to walk
away and he immedietly undercuts his pal by fifty percent. It is
still too much for a tuk-tuk, but let's see where this goes. Ok, I
want to see this and this and this but NO SHOPPING. Oh, no. You see
this and this and shop here and see this. You are not listening- NO
SHOPPING. – this is the point where he tuns his back on me, the
universal go fly a kite gesture. So it appears these guys are
shopping hustlers with a tuk-uk. Not tuk-tuk drivers who take you to
the shopping.
The heat has really begun to build, I
am about through my first half gallon of water and I enter the King's
palace only to be told by the guard at the door that I do not have
sleeves on my top. I kind of thought that was obvious. Then he
informs me that I needed to cover my biceps to gain entrance. He
points to an area where a line of similarly dressed westerners, some
in shorts are waiting. I turn around and point at the gate I had just
entered. He shakes his head and tell me – No go there they give you
top. I've worn those sorts of things in the past. Kind of like a
light polyester bathrobe that does not breathe. No thank you. Seeing
a King's house or another Buddha. It is just another variation of a
theme. I have some longer sleeved shirts in my luggage, I'll put them
on tomorrow in the morning and come back first thing, before the heat
cranks up. I turn to the guard and say – No it's too hot, I'll see
you tomorrow. – and he sarcastically says with a big grin “Ya, it
will be much cooler tomorrow.”. I had to laugh.
April 5th 2014 – 1 p.m.
My last day in Bangkok. Tomorrow
morning at six thirty in the morning my plane is supposed to depart
for the U.S.A. via Tokyo and get there three hours after it takes
off. I think there is a flaw in that logic someplace.
They say that the third time is the
charm, for me and the reclining Buddha it was the fourth time. I got
early did breakfast, caught the skytrain an the ferry boat before
it got too hot. Since Buddha here requires shoulders to be covered I
wore a long sleeved shirt and got to see Buddha laying down. The is a
pretty big guy. His feet are six feet wide for pity sakes. It wasn't
any cooler today than yesterday, in spite of what the guard said. In
face the weather report calls for thunder showers and the air is
really extra humid. Not very many tourists at reclining Buddha this
morning. I had heard it is generally crazy wacko in the afternoon
with the tour buses. This morning it was just we tourists not with a
tour. So I finally got to see reclining Buddha. Was it worth it?
Sure. Was it worth going four times and succeeding once, probably.
So this should be it. See ya in the
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