November 20th
Mrauk U, Myanmar
Well I got here. A
bit more adventure than I prefer but I’ll try to remember to be
smarter next time.
The big bird got us
from the beach to Sittwe like clockwork. Luggage in hand I step
outside and someone says Taxi?. – How much ? (Too much, no matter
what the cost) – So we negotiate from private taxi a/c to mini van.
– You will drive me in the van? – Oh, yes! – OK, let’s go!.
We start walking
away from the taxis, off the airport property. Alarm bells tinkle in
the background. He throws my bag in the back of a multi passenger
tuk-tuk.. Whoa dude !! I take you to my car. CLANG ! CLANG ! CLANG !
Alarms, and I keep on going with it. We go way the Hell onto town and
he dumps me at a shared taxi stand. This is not what we talked about,
but now I’m stuck. – then the price negotiation begins, Mr. Lying
Sack of Shit inflating the price as the driver and conductor just sit
back. Finally a price at least 4 times what the locals pay is agreed
on. Then Mr. Lying Sack of Shit demands $3.50 for driving me there.
He’s getting his bite out of the taxi fare. Finally I toss two
bucks at him and tell him to fuck off or call a cop, and sit my
Princess ass in the front seat.
Then the driver
start hunting for one more passenger and I look at my co-riders and
tell the driver, Let’s go, What I paid I OWN this taxi. The other
agree with me and we are off. Different countries, different rules of
the road. Here it has a method, until the sun goes down. Then the
rules are drive with your high beams on, or dive with no lights at
all. When you first get your new bike, be sure to remove that little
red reflector in the back, and wear the darkest clothes you own. This
will insure that the other drivers are paying close attention to the
The road was muchly
paved. I wont say mostly. Lots of construction and mucho dust. We
crossed two bridges that scared the heck out of me. I’d be leery of
walking across them, and we are in an overloaded mini van. The three
hour trip took four and that was with diving crazy fast on the paved
We finally pulled
into Mrauk U a little after seven and after dropping off everyone
else got to my hotel. I’m not sure if that was because it was the
last stop or they didn’t want the other passengers see how much
they gouged me. (I found out today it was 10 times)
The Vasselli is the
best of the worst in town and there is no middle. By saying that I am
being generous. One look and I knew I was only staying one night.
Low twin beds on homemade frames. The a/c behind the window curtain .
No dead bolt or even chain on the door that you had to close and
latch then lift got the tongue to fall into the hole in the jamb. The
a/c didn’t work and the fan was good, except the bugs ate your
exposed skin because it was too hot under the covers. I want to say
I’ve stayed in better jails, but I’ve only stayed in one and it
The guide I chatted
with arrived and we left the hotel and I told him to take me to the
best (only) hotel in town. As I said there is no middle ground. It is
a palace. I spoke to the manager and he said walk in price is this,
but I can give it to you for that. I said has it for such
and such, he said okay. So new home after one sort of sleep. Then we
went out for dinner. The guide said he wanted to go to the Mortuary.
Okay maybe they have converted the old British mortuary into a plush
eaterie. Not sure about the atmosphere, but if the food is good, why
Turns out it was a
local restaurant called the Mo Cherry. I ordered the Cashew chicken
and it was eatable, but nothing special and certainly not nearly as
good as MarMar’s.
Dawn came, breakfast
came, I tossed money to the desk clerk in a snit (not my proudest
moment) and guide with car came.
Today is the city
temple tour and tomorrow is the Chin village tour. I’m not sure why
I need to see the Chin villages but the guide says, see them now
before they disappear. Okay, I’m not sure if there are only here
this week, or getting flooded out by global warming or too many
tourists, but they are going to disappear soon and this is my last
chance so there it is.
Mrauk U is one of
those fr from the center of power. A small forgotten backwater on the
map of modern Myanmar. I it wasn’t for the temples, and the light
tourist presence I’m not sure there would be a hotel or restaurant
certified for foreigners. The streets are unpaved, full of potholes
and not wide enough for two vehicles to pass by.
Today was a temple
tour. The temples here are a few hundred years newer than the ones in

and absolutely totally different in style. In Bagan the
Buddha’s are maximum of four per temple, at each or the cardinal
points on the compass. Here there are a zillion of them one says it
had forty thousand and another ninety thousand. You walk down long
cover hallways lined with Buddhas, little ones, big ones tiny ones.
Some carved into the stone, some varied sized statues posed from knee
high to over your head. The hallways are all well lit, but if the
lights were to go out, you’d be in a hard way to find your way out.
This is not a temple tour for the claustrophobic.
In Bagan all the
temples and pagodas are on this large flat plain. That is why the
horse cart works so well there. Here we are in the mountains and
everything is up. Guess what, it isn’t any cooler here than it is
anywhere else in this country. Want to see that temple, climb up
those stairs. Want to see that stupa? Do the same thing you did for
the temple.
Eventually temple
overload landed and it became a bunch of meaningless names and dates.
The temples began too merge into one overheated set of stairs and the
date ? Well crap, I can’t keep American history straight Burmese
history from the 1500’s might as well be spoken in Chinese for as
much as sticks with me. Maybe when I look at the pictures it will
clear up a bit.

A break at noon
until 330. Got the new room, in the new hotel, it will do nicely.
Wash up a little, power nap and back at it at the appointed time.
This tie it was just a few temples. Where this morning I saw perhaps
a total of six other tourists, this afternoon they were in abundance.
At one checkpoint in a temple there was a covey of them, maybe six.
They wanted to shoot down this hall that was lined with Buddhas.
First aunt Martha took her two shots, then cousin Wilbur, then sister
Betsy, brother in law Pierre had to shoot with cell phone, SLR and
iPad. They wouldn’t let anyone behind them and it was beginning to
back up a bit. I am sure glad I didn’t say something like Dude, how
about giving the rest of us a break ? Oh, shit ! Maybe I did. Either
way it wouldn’t / didn’t make any difference, until Sophie got
her’s too. Perfectly framed don’t you know.
The problem with the
guides is they seem to all run on the same track as the other guides.
We’d run into this group and the stink eye would fly, in both
direction. Did it do any good, of course not, but it did feel good.
We ended the day
with a mid sized hill climb to watch the sunset. I may have tweak
them a bit, but I think the photos should be nice.
Now at dinner I
ordered a salad and just got a five alarm chilies. Gawk! One of hose
small teeny green ones. I’m going to need an antacid.
Time to close. Chins